
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily


A High-Achieving Stepmom’s Advice To Avoid Burnout

December 2, 2019

Why “Do Less, Better” has become this high-achieving stepmom’s newest and most favourite personal mantra.

One problem with us high-achieving Stepmoms is that – for us – “doing less” feels about as uncomfortable as that time your mom had one-too-many white wine spritzers and told you just, exactly how (& when & where) you were conceived…

We alllll know other people out there who do it. But for us? We’d rather go about our business (and busy-ness) without knowing how it applies to us.

But how on God’s green earth could someone as busy and successful and responsible as you possibly do any less (and maintain the status quo)? People to see, places to go, people! Now move!

The High-Achieving Stepmom

If you’re anything like me and other high-achieving stepmoms, then you’re driven by results. You’re committed. You don’t do things half-assed. And you probably feel like the seats at the Winner’s Table (where you belong) are acquired with nothing less than blood, sweat, tears, and elbow grease (all the while keeping your lashes perfect, amirite?)

Then why, why, why, does it feel sooo overwhelming?

You’re doing all of the things, and drinking all of the water, and doing all of the yoga. You’re a star performer in your professional life. You run a ship-shape household. All the boxes are checked! You keep your relationship strong, and your stepkids are more than taken care of. You avoid any and all drama with your partner’s ex at all costs…

But sometimes — sometimes — you might wonder, “Can’t people just stop needing me for 5 freaking seconds?!”

If you’re still reading this, then it probably means that you’ve realized you’re on a one-way train to Burnout. And I’ll tell you — I’ve been there. The tequila is bottom shelf, the hangovers suck, and the scenery is dreadful.

So what to do? Have no fear, my fair maiden. Let’s get you off that one-way train. (& I promise you can keep the LV.)

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Become The Woman Who Has It All (& Not Just On The Outside)

One of society’s biggest detriments to our well-being has been placing the “hustle & grind” up on a pedestal like some kind of trophy.

But no matter what you do, it never seems to be enough. And 16-hour days can only take you so far…

(And for stepmoms, our load can be even heavier, since the demands of a stepfamily are so unique…)

But if success really did come from hustle and grind and busy-ness, I want you to ask yourself:

Who’s the busiest person you know? Is that person also the happiest person you know? Are they the richest person? Do they have it all — inside AND outside?

You’re probably starting to realize that being busy does not create the life you know you were born to live.

Being busy does not create a sustainable life.

Being busy does not leave time for things that matter. The things we wish we would’ve done before the day (& nobody knows when) that is our last day…

& if you’re tired of feeling like you should be happy with where you’re at… (but you’re not)

& if you’re tired of feeling like your life is pure chaos….

& if you’re tired of feeling tired but unable to take your foot off the gas…

Then I hope you heed these words of love, caution, and support that were taught to me by one of my beloved mentors…

We take care of the things we love.

It’s okay to do less.

Do less, better.

(& if you made it all the way here to the bottom, then this must be speaking to your soul. You can click here to schedule a free one-hour Discovery Session with me. There’s a better way. You deserve it…)

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