
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

The Ugly Truth About Your Stepkids’ Mom

(it’s probably most definitely not what you think…)

A few days ago, I was at the dentist getting my teeth cleaned. The dental hygienist was knuckle-deep in a coffee stain when she casually started venting to me about her son’s stepmom.

(Spoiler alert: she did not know that I am, in fact, the Stepqueen. She did not know either that I am, in fact, an international leader in the empowerment of stepmoms. I love irony.)

(It’s not like I could’ve told her either. I mean, her fingers were literally inside my mouth.)

As with all things Stepmom VS Mom, it got me thinking.

Why did this dental hygienist believe that casually bashing her kid’s stepmom was an acceptable conversation to have with a random client?

If she was bashing the boy’s stepmom to me, then who else was she bashing her to?

Additionally, beyond the misstep of this professional woman, how many stepmoms believe that casually bashing their stepkids’ mom is an acceptable conversation to have with anyone who’s not a qualified therapist?

Not to mention, how many stepmoms think it’s okay to demonize their stepkids’ mother?

(Trust me, I’ve removed myself from every disgustingly toxic stepmom “support” Facebook group out there. Y’all. That’s enough…)

And finally, if there are officially more stepfamilies than nuclear families in the world now, why is this feud still a freakin’ thing?

(I’m Phoebe in this)

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The Ugly Truth About Your Stepkids’ Mom

The ugly truth about your stepkids’ mom is this:

She. Is. Not. The. Bad. Guy.

And if you’re a mom with shared parenting time, and your kids have a stepmom, and you popped in here with your adrenaline pumping because you thought I was gonna smack talk you…

I’m not. I don’t believe in smack talk or drama. And I invite anyone who allows smack talk and drama into their lives to cross over to the light and leave that shiz where it belongs.

(If you’re ready to level your life up from gossiping about other women to becoming a powerhouse who actually makes the world a better place, click here to jump into my brand new free mini course to learn how to do that)

So this feud between moms and stepmoms — gals, it’s got to stop.

How are you out there raising kids when you can’t contain your own drama and insecurities?

Do better. Be better. Take yourself out of those nasty Stepmom “Support” Groups on Facebook. Raise the bar. Level up.

You’re better than that.

If you spent as much time and energy on improving your life as you do giving someone else a free rental agreement in your head — what would your life look like in one year?

What would this beautiful world we live in look like if everyone just stopped cutting each other down, and started caring about their own lives, their own dreams, their own self-improvement?

Maybe, just maybe, then Stepmoms could step out as being a group of women who were empowered, not wicked.

And maybe, just maybe, my dental hygienist wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

Thanks for reading my Ted Talk.

But really, if you’re ready to level your life up and give your attention to problems in the world that MATTER, click here to download this super quick, free online workshop.

If not, that’s ok too. I’ll be here when you want to make the shift.



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