
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

6 BOMB Skills Stepmothers Have that Give them the GRIT for Entrepreneurship

Grab your laptop, baby, we’re heading to the Caribbean.

I know what you’re thinking — FINALLY, this Stepfamily can make me some bleepin’ money! (Credit to H for her witty sass.)

If you’re a Stepmom who’s already done the legwork, and you don’t live in that cesspool of drama and negativity of early Stepfamily Life, then my dear Stepqueen sister — the world is your oyster.

Here are 6 Underestimated Skills Stepmothers Have that Give us the GRIT for Entrepreneurship:

#1. You Know How to Ask for Help

Every man, woman, and child on this beautiful planet we call home would benefit from therapy. But a Stepmother who tries to navigate life without some outside help is starting off on the wrong foot.

Probably why 2/3 stepfamily marriages end in divorce (yikes).

A successful stepmom, and therefore a successful entrepreneur, isn’t afraid to invest the time, energy, and financial resources required to level up.

A successful stepmom, and therefore a successful entrepreneur, isn’t short-sighted. They do things for the long haul because they know that it’s only a matter of time until they harvest the fruits of their labour. (See #3)

A successful stepmom, and therefore a successful entrepreneur, knows that there are people out there who have learned the hard lessons first. It makes way more sense to hire someone who’s experienced and can show you how to drive the boat, than to think you can do it yourself and drive straight into an iceberg.

(Do you drive boats? Sail them? I obviously am not a ship captain.)

# 2. You Have Nerves of Steel

Custody battles, sketchy third-party behaviours, high emotions, a lifelong connection to your partner’s ex, being threatened with being sued — these all require a level of nerve-steeliness that most other people haven’t developed.

Nerves of steel are critical as a successful entrepreneur. The very literal definition of Entrepreneurship is someone who takes on greater than normal financial risks to own or operate a business. (Google it.)

If you spend your life sweating the small stuff, you’ll never make it as an entrepreneur. It’s science.

But as successful stepmothers, we’ve learned that life ebbs and flows. That every day isn’t perfect, nor does it need to be perfect to be worth it. We know that yesterday is gone, tomorrow isn’t here yet, and all we can do is make the best of today.

#3. You Have Tenacity

Another similarity between successful stepmothers and successful entrepreneurs is that we don’t throw in the towel when shiz gets tough.

When the 💩was hitting the fan in your early stepmom days, you didn’t just blame everyone else and give up.

No, no, no, my Stepqueen sister. You dug your heels in and were determined to come out the other side a queen.

You’re not a victim, you’re victorious.

(If you want to learn how to grab a seat in the Cleopatra Business Accelerator – Click Here to Apply)

The average person, the unhappy stepmom, and the failing entrepreneur all have one thing in common: they live in resignation and allow their circumstances to dictate the outcome of their life.

You, on the other hand, grab life by the horns. No. Matter. What.

Coincidence? I think not.

# 4. You Don’t Let Drama Bring You Down

Drama has no place in the life of a successful stepmother, nor does it have a place in the life of a successful entrepreneur.

People are going to talk. They’re going to judge. They’re going to reflect their own insecurities and inadequacies on you. Let them.

Happy, confident, abundant stepmothers and entrepreneurs don’t get wrapped up in other people’s BS.

Because that’s all it is. Other people’s BS. And it only has as much power as you give to it.

You have enough self-awareness, self-worth, and self-integrity to turn inward and ask for guidance, rather than turn to more drama to fuel the drama.

# 5. You’re a Master Communicator

If you haven’t developed this skill yet, then you’re likely a pretty miserable stepmom.

When we step away from trying to protect other people’s feelings and step into our own power, that’s where the magic happens.

Learning how to express our needs, enforce our boundaries, and say NO to anything that doesn’t serve us has not only left us as thriving and happy stepmoms, it’s opened up the world of entrepreneurship and placed it at our fingertips.

Especially as women trying to gain a foothold in the market, we need to be direct, to the point, and unwavering in getting what we want.

We believe we are worthy and powerful, so we show up and we take what we want. Unapologetically.

# 6 You’re Not a Doormat

What do all thought leaders and revolutionary entrepreneurs have in common?

They do not let the small minds of the masses dictate when, where, how, or why they will change the world.

From Rosa Parks to Martin Luther King Jr., from Eleanor Roosevelt to Nelson Mandela, From Melinda Gates to Steve Jobs —

They left our beautiful world a better place than it was before they got here. They made some friends, and they made some enemies.

But they lived their purposes and they left their marks, completely revolutionizing the landscape we live in today.

Because they were brave.

They were not doormats.

And they MADE THE CHOICE not work from circumstance and victimhood. But because they worked from possibility and empowerment.


That is my one and only true goal in life — to leave a legacy of raising women up instead of cutting them down. And low-key, maybe to have a Blogger (or whatever they have in 100 years) wiring about me saying — wow, she was incredible.

When you’re resigned to being a doormat, nothing amazing happens…

And if you can thrive in Stepmotherhood, girl, you can do anything.

Now get out there and live your purpose.

And if you need a little help figuring out how, I work with Stepmoms around the world to transform their lives.

If you’re stuck in the trenches of Stepmotherhood, click here to learn about the Eleanor program

If you’re ready to level up and have already laid a solid foundation, click here to learn about the Cleopatra Business/Life Accelerator Program

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