
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

My Stepson, the “Picky Eater”

An Unexpected Lesson From A Discerning Palate Ah, mealtime. As the stepmom of a picky eater, there used to be no greater source of stress in my day than sitting around the table as a stepfamily. One of my guiltiest pleasures is binge-watching The Food Network, and one of my longest time passions has been […]

What Does Blood Have To Do With Stepfamilies?

Hey girl, hey! As a Stepfamily Counselor and a Stepmom myself, I see the same kinds of struggles come up time and time again within Stepfamilies. Heck, I’ve been through most of them myself (and lived to tell the tale muahaha). Stepmoms will come to me, completely deflated, wanting to know why it’s so stinkin’ […]

4 Strange Reasons I Love Being a Stepmom

Late one night, not long ago, I found myself in my bathtub. I was pouring my third glass of wine and turning into a wrinkly prune. My husband and his son (my stepson) were downstairs playing cards — an occasion I 100% wanted nothing to do with. I was avoiding them. While sipping on my […]

8 Things I Wish I Knew About Being a Stepmom Before I Became One

Knock knock. Who’s there? Stepmom. Stepmom who? ….. Stepmom who???? ….. Exactly. Lol jk (kinda)… Stepmoms have this kind of magical superpower where they can be made to feel invisible with the snap of a finger. It really is something special. I mean, us Stepmoms can be in the middle of a sentence one minute, […]