
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

What Makes A Wicked Stepmom, Wicked?

Mark your calendars! The 3-Part Uplifted Stepmom Workshop Series is kicking off on February 24, 2022!

We’ve all heard it. The fairytale folklore about the wicked stepmom who marries the widowed father and ruins the lives of her stepchildren.

As a stepmom, this narrative can be particularly troubling… so troubling in fact that an entire subset of stepmoms have taken it upon themselves to rename their title as Bonus Moms.

In this week’s episode with your host, Stepfamily Counsellor Brittany Lynch, BScN, you’ll hear:

  • The surprising way Brittany discovered how young kids are when the Wicked Stepmom narrative gets indoctrinated into our minds
  • Why the Wicked Stepmom narrative is so pervasive
  • What stepmoms are doing that could possibly be contributing to the world’s view of us
  • The surprising differences between the “wicked” stepmom and the happy stepmom
  • A way to gauge if you, too, could be headed down a path of being misunderstood.

Thanks for taking the time to rate & review the show, which helps other stepmoms get the help they’re looking for!

Connect with Brittany on Instagram @thestepqueen & Pinterest @thestepqueen 

Want to create more stepfamily harmony without walking on eggshells just to keep the peace? Head to www.peacelovestepmom.com to enroll in the world’s best FREE online mini-course for stepmoms, and get instant access now!

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