
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

What the F is wrong with cursing (& should your stepkids do it)?

To swear or not to swear, that is the question. I’m sure you already know my stance on cursing, but what of the rest of society?

Responding to a listener request, this episode explores the social acceptability of cursing, both as an adult and as a child.

We also explore whether or not it should be okay for a young stepchild to swear, and what position we can take as stepmoms.

Additionally, we take a look at what the age-old threat of washing mouths out with soap actually accomplishes.

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Or try our 7 Day Stepfamily Stress Detox guaranteed to reduce stepfamily stress by at least 20% https://brittanylynch.podia.com/stepfamily-stress-detox

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