
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

Tired of feeling lonely, out-of-place, or like you can't be yourself in your own home?

Our Stepmoms describe themselves as: Included, Accepted, Influential, Appreciated, Authentic, Overflowing With Joy, Important, Happy, Sexy, and Peaceful.
You can too.

Tap the green button to book a supportive, non-judgmental consultation with one of our Blended Family Experts. There is nothing for sale during this appointment.

The next-best-thing to hopping in a time machine & meeting your partner first

Brittany's work has changed my life and I will be forever grateful for the group of women in this community. I've done so much healing since starting this work and I can honestly say that I don't think my marriage would have made it otherwise.
Stepmom of 1, USA

what i do

As a Certified Stepfamily Counsellor, I help stepmoms establish themselves as valued, respected, and included members of their blended families, so that they can live lives overflowing with love, joy, connection, compassion, and authenticity.

I work with stepmoms who deeply love their partners, but...

Feel left out, like an outsider, almost always coming second to the "First Family"

Don't know how to deal with their stepkids, and have started distancing themselves as a result

Experience overwhelming feelings of jealousy, resentment, insecurity, or awkwardness

Are sick of feeling like they live a double life

Feel their stomach drop & heart race every time their partner's phone dings

Two words: Transition Day

Worry that the milestones they share with their partner will be less special, since their partner has already "been there done that" with someone else

Are tired of giving, doing, and being everything for a bunch of people who can't even show basic respect or appreciation......

Before working with Brittany, I used to get triggered all the time. I felt unappreciated and unseen in my home, and was afraid of abandonment/my fiancè leaving. I often felt like second choice, the runner-up. I always put everyone else before myself - making sure everyone else's needs are met, their feelings are okay, at my own expense.

I no longer silence my own voice. I don't overthink or worry anymore.
I have found my way back to self-love.
Lindsey M.
Stepmom of 2, Canada

How do i do it?

My Stepmom Coaching Philosophy was built over a decade in the trenches as a stepmother myself, and having been in practice as a certified Stepfamily Counsellor since 2018.

This, plus my prior career as a Registered Nurse, led me to develop an obsession about the human Brain & Mind, and most specifically, took me on a journey to discover the fastest, most effective ways to eliminate any and all suffering in stepfamily relationships. 

I believe that happy stepfamilies are built by healthy people, which is why I support my clients with a wide variety of body+mind+soul modalities. I help you discover how you can plan, design, and step into your role as a stepmom with confidence. If there’s one thing I want every one of my clients to know, it’s that, you don’t need to try to learn how to be a good stepmom, because you already are. If you weren’t, then, why would you be reading this?

The ways I incorporate whole-person and whole-stepfamily wellness in my offerings include focuses on Mindfulness-Based Interventions, Somatic Therapies, Emotional + Energetic Work, and Spirituality — which, isn’t about God so much as it is about learning how to find pleasure, satisfaction, and meaning in your life.

I combine these metaphysical ways of creating safety and security in the body, with the practical aspects of stepfamily functioning. I help stepmoms and their partners with: setting uncrossable boundaries; communicating directly and effectively so you are actually heard; resolving conflict quickly and without damaging your intimacy; and building meaningful relationships with people that you might have, at one point, believed would be impossible, to name a few.

This integrated, holistic approach, invites Stepmoms to cultivate optimal wellness in themselves, so that they can show up to their stepfamily relationships with an open heart, compassion, and empathy — missing ingredients in any dysfunctional stepfamily dynamic.

Happy. Healthy. Whole.

Typically, there are 4 phases that lead to a stepmom’s authentic integration with her stepfamily:

Phase 1

Using our eye-opening Assessment Tools, you’ll evaluate the relationships you have to your stepkids, your partner, your partner’s ex, and yourself. These assessments allow you to see real, tangible growth as you progress through the rest of the journey toward loving life in your blended family.

Phase 2

Based on the results of your assessments, you will work with a blended family specialist to come up with a customized, curated, step-by-step plan forward. Stay true to who you really are while considering and accounting for what is best for everyone in your stepfamily. 

Phase 3

With our extraordinary toolkit of Body Mind & Soul tools, practices, and rituals, you’ll begin to feel calm in your body, at ease in your relationships, and at home in your house. 

You’ll learn what the evidence says about “what a stepmom is supposed to do,” and together, we will examine which parts of that are suitable for you and your own unique circumstances.

Phase 4

Create your very own, perfect-for-you, Stepmom Job Description. This will allow you to easily communicate your boundaries, standards, and expectations to the other members of your blended family. Don’t worry — we’ll be there every step of the way.

I've tried almost every other forum, membership, and service out there for stepmoms.

Brittany's approach is the only one that has worked for me.
Julie M.
Stepmom of 1, Canada


instead of stress & anxiety

Having an arsenal of potent, nourishing practices that support your Body, Mind & Soul, so that you can feel calm, safe, and understood in the face of stepfamily conflict.

Instead of wondering if you're cut out to be a stepmom

Becoming so grateful for the healing, growth, and perspective that only a stepfamily can provide, that you are certain that this path was your destiny.

Other resources might help with surface-level stepmom problems, but this will help you as a whole person in ways that spread to other areas of your life. Take it from me, I spent nearly a year sifting through stepmom materials and coaches, but I’ve found Brittany to be the most authentic, honest, direct and highly relatable out of everyone.
Stepmom of 2, USA

Whether you’re starting to feel resentful, burnt-out, hopeless, like your stepkids hate you even though you’ve tried so hard to be good to them,  like you and your partner continue to have the same arguments about the same problems, or you are facing a high-conflict co-parent who dictates your every move, you are not crazy.

It’s hard to be a stepmom. But we can help make it easier, just like we have helped hundreds of clients and their families to come together in an authentic, understanding, compassionate way.

Book your complimentary consultation online today by tapping the green button above. You never have to do this alone again.

Many of our clients have arrived at our doorstep when they were faced with a life-altering decision: should I stay, or should I go?

It’s not uncommon for people in your situation to worry that if things don’t change (and fast), they might too become one of the “2-out-of-3 Stepfamilies” who end up separating…

Our clients typically come to us for support in several areas that create unique challenges for blended families. These are the types of stepfamily problems we support our clients with the most often:

Relationship Upsets 

difficulty bonding with a stepchild; conflict between stepmom and stepdaughters; conflict between stepmom and stepson; conflict between co-parent/ ex-wife/ ex-husband and the stepmom; stepfamily dynamics beginning to erode the couple strength/romantic relationship; infidelity; separation and divorce; difficult stepchild behaviors; misaligned parenting styles

Life Transitions

– dating and getting into a serious relationship with a single parent; meeting your stepchildren for the first time; moving in with your partner and his or her kids (your new stepdaughter or stepson); having an “ours” baby; children moving out; adult stepchildren moving back in; grandchildren and grandparents in step


– engagement, marriage, birthdays, and holidays are never simple in stepfamily but they can still be enjoyable, meaningful, and memorable.

I used to have a lot of resentment towards Bio-Mom, my stepson and my husband. I also felt like I had no value, and that I had no place in the family dynamic.
I was negative about everything that happened.

Since working with Brittany, I don't feel triggered and unhappy all the time! I'm able to think through situations and not let them ruin my evening or turn into a fight with my husband.
Krista C.
Stepmom of 1, USA