Who Is The Stepqueen?

The Stepqueen (or as her mother named her — Brittany ) is a Certified Stepfamily Counselor. She is a happily-married wife and enthralled mother by fate, and a loving stepmother by choice.
Only a few short years ago, Brittany found herself obsessively searching to the end of the internet in order to find solutions for her Stepmom problems. She read book after book after book. She read blog post after blog post. She joined Facebook group after Facebook group. All she wanted was for someone to teach her how to be a happy Stepmom. But the more she looked, the more she realized that Happy Stepmoms were kind of like unicorns. (They just didn’t seem to exist)
After each book she’d read about stepmommin’, she’d find herself feeling more discouraged than when she started.
After every Facebook post she’d scroll through while drinking wine in her bathtub, she’d find herself stewing in her feelings that her, and so many others, were suffering in their place as Stepmothers.
One night, her Stepmom struggles all came crashing down around her.
All her built-up anger and resentment she had towards her stepfamily finally came to the surface.
She found herself screaming — screaming — in her Stepson’s face.
She told her husband that she had finally had enough. That she couldn’t take it anymore and that she had to leave.
With the divorce rate in Stepfamilies being higher than 67%, it is no surprise that she got here.
But wait.
She didn’t actually end up leaving.
That night, the night that it all came to a head, she was faced with a choice.
She could leave her husband and her family behind and be finished with it all, or she could take action and figure out how to solve their problems.
Now, The Stepqueen lives in one of the happiest, most peaceful, most enviable family you could think of. She gets along with her husband’s ex-wife. Her stepson completes regular chores around the house and is disciplined when he acts inappropriately. She and her husband have a rock-solid marriage. And best of all — she no longer feels like she doesn’t belong.
If you are ready to turn your Stepfamily life around, then you’ve come to the right woman to help you.
While most Stepfamily Counselors conduct their work on the “Feelings” model of psychology — which only examines why you are feeling the way you are, The Stepqueen is able to give you real, workable, tangible solutions to all of your Stepfamily Woes. She is the expert. And you owe it to yourself to consult her.
If you want to know more, don’t be shy. Click here to send me a message.
I can’t wait to help you solve your dilemmas.
A peaceful home is priceless. And you deserve to live in one.