
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

Why “Blending” Isn’t Actually The Goal

The Uplifted Stepmom FREE 3-Part Workshop Series Is NOW OPEN! Tap here to register: https://stepqueen.lpages.co/upliftedstepmom/

It’s totally free for a limited time only, you can join right from your phone, and the live workshops will be recorded for replay if you’re unable to attend live.

How do you blend a stepfamily? The question in itself might be one of Google’s most Googled of all time.

But what if this has been the wrong question all along?

This week, discover what question to be asking INSTEAD, if you are a stepmom who wants:

  • a happy stepfamily, so that everyone in your family can feel safe, included, and respected in you home.
  • more personal fulfillment, so that you can be confident you are authentically aligned with your purpose and passions.
  • more connected, intimate relationships, so that you can feel secure, certain, and cherished by those you love the most.

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