
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

It’s Not Your Hormones! The Secret to an AMAZING Sex Life with Lacey Broussard

Today on the show, we have special guest Lacey Broussard, also known as The Multiorgasmic Mama.

If lack of confidence, low libido, or guilt and shame around your sexuality are the cause of your bedroom woes,

(the hot, wild sex you never have anymore, or the transition into motherhood – or stepmotherhood – that sucked your libido dry), you need Lacey.

She’s a holistic sex coach for women who lack desire and want to feel sexy again.

As a Certified Sex Coach, Tantra, and Jade Egg Teacher, Lacey uses deep transformational tools and techniques based in modern coaching modalities and ancient Tantric wisdom and Taoist practices to help women like you get your desire back and feel sexy again.

At 4:54 – Lacey discusses how her conservative, religious upbringing contributed to a lifetime of guilt and shame around her body, and the experience that was a turning point to help her realize how powerful women’s bodies are

At 8:22 – Lacey discusses her experience with a Jade Egg practice and the profound transformation that doing this work helped her release guilt, shame, and disgust about her body

At 11:06 – We explore how getting married doesn’t necessarily “cure the shame” around sexuality.

At 11:46 – Lacey helps you explore what some “symptoms” of guilt and shame around your sexuality may look like

At 12:41 – The difference between Libido, Desire, and Arousal (and how society needs to stop blaming women’s hormones for lack of desire)

At 14:00 – Sexual traumas explored **trigger warning**

At 15:18 – We explore the polarization between sides of Jennifer Lopez & Shakira’s highly scrutinized Superbowl Performance (and the similarities between the #MeToo movement)

At 18:16 – Exploring the confines of “sex in a box” and how to start the journey back toward sensuality

At 19:00 – Evaluating your narrative and inherited stories around sexuality and how to begin to change the narrative

At 22:32 – What it means when you feel “numb” during sex

At 23:48 – The belief of: “I must be the only woman in the world who doesn’t want to have sex” is challenged

At 25:14 – We explore “I want to want to, but I don’t want to” and why traditional therapy usually won’t work to clear that up

At 20:08 – How to feel comfortable asking for space from your partner

At 30:07 – Exploring the damaging use of alcohol as an aphrodisiac or to get through the night

At 32:11 – Learning to become present with your thoughts and feelings and body sensations

At 37:12 – Lacey explains her coaching process

At 38:46 – The difference between men and women’s sexuality

At 42:54 – Cheers to That moment

At 43:30 – How to transition from the “busy-busy-busy-go-go-go get things done” persona to becoming open to experiences of pleasure

At 47:18 – The importance of BEDTIMES and how you deserve to clock off mom/stepmom duties in the evening

To connect with Lacey, tap here to follow her on Instagram

To learn more about Lacey’s coaching services, visit her at www.themultiorgasmicmama.com

Book a free 30 minute consultation and let us help you get your life back https://calendly.com/foreveraftercoaching-newclients/consult?month=2024-01

Or try our 7 Day Stepfamily Stress Detox guaranteed to reduce stepfamily stress by at least 20% https://brittanylynch.podia.com/stepfamily-stress-detox

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