
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

Healthy Stepfamilies Know These 4 Dynamics Don’t Exist In Bio-Families

If we pretend that blended families are the same as biological intact families, then we are failing to respect the unique vulnerabilities only found within this family type. With 2 in every 3 stepfamilies expected to fail, we are being called to acknowledge and tend to our unique relationship dynamics in a loving and supportive way.

Knowing what makes a stepfamily different from a nuclear (aka intact, biological, traditional, first) family will equip you with invaluable knowledge and a new perspective that allows for more love, harmony, and authenticity at home — for The Whole Stepfamily

In this episode, we’ll examine:

  • The most critical differentiator between stepfamilies and biological intact families
  • What makes stepfamilies so vulnerable and WHY we must take radical personal responsibility for our children’s (and our own) sake
  • The critical developmental task in stepfamily that will help you to establish safety, structure and predictability in a blended family
  • How biology affects family roles and the development of functional step-relationships
  • The social expectation that stepparents love their stepchildren “like their own”
  • The experience of being an outsider and how it relates to each stepfamily member’s role


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