
Brittany Lynch, RN, BScN, CSC Presents: Stepqueen by The Whole Stepfamily

Fulltime Stepmomming, Co-Parenting with an Addict, & Conquering the Chaos [Interview with Kristina Johnson]

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Today’s episode covers some hugely important topics, like what it’s like to be a full-time stepmom, what it’s like to be the stepmom whose partner is co-parenting with an addict, and most importantly, how you as a stepmom can carve out space to take care of yourself.

I interview fellow stepmom, Kristina Johnson, who speaks to some incredibly powerful musings, such as:

What can happen when you can give yourself the grace of being human?

What can happen when you hold space for your joy, as well as for your pain?

Where do resentments come from, and what can you do to move through them?

Connect with Kristina

On Instagram: @kristinajohnsoncoaching

Via her website: www.kristinajohnson.com

Book a free 30 minute consultation and let us help you get your life back https://calendly.com/foreveraftercoaching-newclients/consult?month=2024-01

Or try our 7 Day Stepfamily Stress Detox guaranteed to reduce stepfamily stress by at least 20% https://brittanylynch.podia.com/stepfamily-stress-detox

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